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ATR Seer
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Perenelle last won the day on March 20 2017

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About Perenelle

  • Birthday 04/03/1972

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  1. Fdragon is going to drive my car and the youngest Gump, and rooming with him. Almost like a super nerd family vacation.
  2. Booked rooms for the two of us, plus Gump's "mini-mes" are both attending this year, so they get their own room. Fdragon still needs to book his own seat, but I three set for the people living in my house. :-)
  3. Unfortunately, if you share your account, you are responsible for the actions someone does while on it. I agree on a second chance with name change, since this is a first time offense, but it will be the only chance. And don't share your account with anyone.
  4. I posted somewhere in the middle of all the off topic stuff but don't see my name in the spreadsheet. Not sure if that matters, but Perenelle Balance Druid
  5. I'm planning on making it back to raiding now that I have some health issues under control. I plan to play Perenelle, so druid. Whether I'm dps moonkin or heals is up to the raid leaders. Just let me know what you need so I can practice as I level (it's been awhile since I've healed but it really was what I was best at from the beginning :-) )
  6. Gump and I will have to wait and see on the date, but we'd love to help. We'll probably land in the volunteer group if we can make the date.
  7. I know I want a hoodie and a glass mug and I'm assuming Gump wants the same plus the plastic for the party. Let me know when you need sizes, etc.
  8. Real world sucks, don't they know we having gaming to do?
  9. Sounds great, can't think of anything to add.
  10. I would love to do this, but I don't have an 80 and there's no way I'd get my 56 up to 80 in any kind of timely manner. All of Gump's alt's are also at 85 or one in the 50's like mine. Great idea though and I hope you can get a full guild group.
  11. One suggestion, if you want people to read the strat first, you should post which strat you are planning on using on the forums ahead of time.... back in the day, that was one of my jobs in a former guild. I can tell you from experience, some people will read and some still won't, but at least the ones who care will be reading/ watching the same strat that the officers plan on using.
  12. Completely forgot my son has his last concert of the year tonight until I was driving to work this morning. I won't be home till probably 9 or later. I can still come Sunday.
  13. It's been awhile since I main spec'd healed, but I did it for over four years and used to be the healing officer in our previous guild, so it won't take me long to get back in the swing. I do understand it's the spec and not my playing; I checked out forums to see if I was doing something wrong and figured out they have the same basic complaints. As far as gear, I mostly need tier pieces and a trinket (and rings, but my dps ones need replacing too, anyways). I've re-gemmed, reforged what I have already. This decision is not about being sat for one raid or one boss. It's been a long time of hearing the "nice" put downs, being called a casual or fill-in when I'm at every raid, and I do see officer chat, just so you know. Plus, you may have noticed any other Moonkin you've tried to recruit has left. They talk to me, being the only other one in their spec and they felt the same way about how our guild treats the spec. The last one didn't really quit over gear, he was sick of being put down, even if Officers think they are doing it "nicely", but it really sounds pretty obvious that we suck and condensending. I tried to tell him it's not meant that way or done on purpose, but it still feels that way. It'll just be easier all around if I go back to heals.
  14. After watching other Moonkins come and go in this guild because they got tired of being called crap, I have finally also throw in the towel on the spec until it's fixed. It has become very clear to me that the raid leaders only care about numbers on a dps chart and the Moonkin increased survivability (i.e. still doing damage while the squishy lay dead at our feet), our battle res and the raid wide 5% haste buff do not compensate for the down-grade to our dps. I feel bad that I have taken heroic dps gear, but if I'll be sitting every raid anyways, it doesn't really matter. I will spend some time in the LFR groups and 5 man instances rounding out my healing gear and getting back into the swing. My new main spec will be Tree if I am needed/ wanted for Raids.
  15. Perenelle

    Ragnaros Down!

    Congrats, guys! Great job on Rag.
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