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    !1v1 @username
    !heist @bet
    !gamble @bet
    !steal @username



    !atr - link to http://atrgamers.com
    !discord - link to discord
    !twitter - link to twitter
    !sub - link to subscribe 
    !donate - link to donate


    !yomomma - random yomomma joke 
    !cn - random chuck norris joke 
    !oo - random oo joke
    !catfacts - random cat facts


    !isp - sound 
    !whoops - sound 
    !magic - sound 
    !no - sound 


    !br - base review 
    !clan - info to join CoC CRUE
    !hype - CRUE emote x10
    !subcount - current subscribers
    !uptime - current uptime
    !following - how long you have been following the channel
    !hug - give a random hug 
    !pick - randon nose pick 
    !rank - your rank
    !rank10 - top 10 rank
    !cookies - ?
    !makeitrain - streamer command
    !so - shout out 
    !followcount - current followers 

    !rpg - Sugah?



    FNG 0hr

     Bronze 3 = 1hr - Bronze 2 = 2hr - Bronze 1 = 3hr

    Silver 3 = 5hr - Silver 2 = 7hr - Silver 1 = 9hr

    Gold 3 = 11hr - Gold 2 = 13hr - Gold 1 = 15hr

     Crystal 3 = 18hr - Crystal 2 = 21hr - Crystal 1 = 24hr

    Master 3 = 27hr - Master 2 = 30hr - Master 1 = 33hr

     Champion 3 = 37hr - Champion 2 = 41hr  - Champion 1 = 45hr

    Titan 3 = 49hr - Titan 2 = 53hr - Titan 1 = 67hr

    Legend 3 = 60hr - Legend 2 = 70hr - Legend 1 = 80hr

    CRUE = 100hr


    The Viewer Rank is based off of time watched 

    The stats above show each rank and the hours needed for each rank


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