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Healing on Zor'Lok - To the healers


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Take a look at Healing breakdown for Zor'Lok. In particular, take a look at the graph:


You guys see the 5 big spikes? Those are F&V casts. There was actually a sixth cast near the end but by then we were all running on fumes and falling apart at the seams. During EVERY F&V cast, you should be bursting up in HPS. For example, when the second wave hits for me, that's why I pop my individual CD's in TFC and Revival and you see my HPS spike up to 250k HPS. In order to more consistently down this boss in the future, EVERY healer needs to look at ways to maximize HPS during those F&V's. Some of it comes down to the Raid-leader, for example I could have had mine and serenity's TFC up for 1 and 3 on last wave but I didn't think it through. Instead I saved it for wave 2. Having that for wave 3 would have made a big difference.

Let's break it down per healer:

Tourin: 250k burst on 2 & 4. 140k burst on 1, 3 and 5. My numbers were pretty consistently high but there are still ways that I can do better! Mixing around TFC timings would have made a huge difference as I would have had a 250k burst on 1, 3 and 5 instead of just 2 and 4. I need to remember to cast my tornado talent before the non-CD waves so that my SCK does more HPS.

Serenity: Your burst healing was way less than mine. You were assigned CD's during 1 and I still beat you in burst even without CD's. When it came time for my CD's, I did about 3x as much HPS as you. Most concerningly, you did almost no burst HPS during the 3rd F&V cast. What happened? The only cast that you did very welll on was #5. What changed? The biggest problem that I see in your rotation is that you don't cast RM on CD. It's an OP spell. Literally macro it into everything if you must, you MUST pop it on CD. Not only that, but uplift hits like a brick truck when you have it rolling on at least 8 people. Using TFC to get it rolling on 16 people then popping Chi Brew is how I get such large HPS bursts. I barely even cast SCK.

Seihai: Your numbers were pretty consistent throughout, always around 120k burst HPS. That's not bad, but there's room for improvement. I never saw any bursting so what happened to you using your burst CD's like spirit shell?

Jlogg: I see your numbers go through the roof when you're using your CD's , getting about 200k hps burst. But your sustained numbers are otherwise very bad during the other F&V's. I'm no shaman expert so you're gonna have to ask yourself how to increase your burst HPS when you're not popping HT and SLT.

Chillr: You are normally a very good healer but your burst HPS on this fight is awful. During first cast, you peaked at 50k hps. The only time you bursted high was when your tranq was called, and even then you were doing less than me or thundere were doing during our non-cd phases. You're a druid and have the best tools to handle this kind of damage! You need to rejuv AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE going into this phase to have the max # of rejuvs ticking as possible during it. You also need to pop ToL earlier and get LB's rolling on people too when it's your CD phase. You basically need to time it so that ToL expires right after your tranq goes off. If you're having problems with timing of ToL, try just using treants instead.

Bigtimz: You're numbers are similar to Chillr's. Even your burst is far less than my sustained. Your gear is awful so there's a lot of room for gear improvement first, so I don't expect too much from you, but see my post about Chillr to improve your own healing.

Deftonia: Your healing goes up during every F&V so there is a clear effort, but it doesn't spike anywhere above 75k. Take a look at your talents. Holy avenger would be MUCH better for this fight. Every time you pop it, you basically are going to go Holy Radiance (Boosted by 30%), LOD, HR, LOD, HR, LOD. Etc. The amount of burst HPS you'll put out will be ridiculous. Also, CD's!! According to WoL, you didn't cast a single AW or Divine Favor!!! The biggest strength of pallies is that they have such ridiculous healing CD's. Figure out when best to use your Divine Favor and Avenging Wrath. This is how it should go:

F&V1 (P1): Strongest Healing CD

F&V2 (P1): Second and Third Strongest Healing CD

F&V3 (P2): Strongest Healing CD

F&V4 (P2): Second Strongest Healing CD

F&V5 (P2): Third Strongest Healing CD

F&V6 (P2): God help us if we get a fourth one.

Maurs: See deftonia above. Although you weren't in for the kill, your numbers on earlier attempts were similar to hers.

ALL of the healers need to look at their talents and think about talents that emphasize BURST healing rather than sustained healing on this fight. For example, being a holy pally and trading out a talent like Divine Purpose (Gives you a stready stream of constant free HoPo abilities - Best for sustained HPS) for Holy Avenger (Gives you a burst healing CD) would be the best choice for this fight. I should have gone over this during the raid but I didn't really have the capability to see the healing spikes like I could in WoL.

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I don't think that most of the healers were prepared or adapted to it too well. We need to do at least about 750k burst HPS to heal through a F&V. I was doing at least 125k burst HPS on every F&V. Averaged out, I did about 180k hps every F&V. 180k x 4 = 720. So we might be able to even 4 heal it if everyone did as much burst HPS as I did. That's probably not too realistic, but adding in 5 of me would be 900k hps average on every F&V, which would blow away our HPS of 7 healers, which averaged between 750k and 800k.

I'm not saying that everyone should be matching my HPS on this fight (Well, except for havlat), but they SHOULD be doing everything they can do to maximize their burst HPS. Dropping one healer would have prevented us from getting a 4th. F&V in P2 and would have made for a clean kill.

Also, the first time that I went in there, I did absolutely terrible on burst. It took some time to figure out what worked best - each of our healers needs to do the same thing and try to find ways to maximize their burst for this fight if we want the fight to be repeatable.

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ya im thinking for 1st F&V as a pally Holy Avenger since it increases holy radiance and holy shock by 30% then its just a matter finding out what the best roation.... like holy radiance LoD holy shock LoD holy radiance LoD holy shock LoD and so on? since LoD ive found to be kinda lack luster not sure if its worth it or just spam holy radiance/holy shock lol....

then do avenging wrath divine favor for second go around hmmm

ya i might have to try it on my pally in a raid and see what provides the most burst healing

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Yeah, i'm not sure if Holy Shock is worth casting (You DO get daybreak, but it doesn't heal for a ton) but LoD should be. LoD might be somewhat lackluster but it's an instant cast spell affected by haste whereas HR is a cast time. There's also the obvious mana problems of not using LoD. YOu'll be fine on the first platform but oom yourself at the end. Basically, You can end up going HR --> 3HP LOD --> HS --> 3HP LOD and the last 3 spells in that rotation are all instants affected by Haste, so you can pop them off in under 4 seconds. Even if LoD did half as much healing as HR, it'd still be worth it.

@Deft: I can clearly see you consistently spike up EVERY F&V. You're clearly spamming AOE heals during the duration but the output isn't where it should be. Tweak your rotation a bit and use CD's and I think you'll be fine. Try to go into every F&V with 3+ HP. This way you can LoD while running to your shield as the damage starts (Preferably twice, if you manage to save up 5 LoD) but make sure that you're waiting until actual damage starts so you're not wasting the HP. Other than being ready, just use CD's more. I guess that something else you can do is cast some AOE spells BEFORE the damage of F&V starts. You have to keep in mind that all of your heals put an absorb shield on people, so throwing some heals out about 10 seconds before F&V happens (Mana permitting) will also boost your burst HPS. Only do this if you have the mana though, as it's extremely mana inefficient.

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well added to the 30% + healing with holy avenger holy shock might be worth it since it is also instant, LoD has been one of those spells where its like meh it does heal decent to 5 people so i guess its just a matter of testing it. ive only really done sha on my pally and i stay away from LoD since eternal flame seems so much better especially since u can put hots on so many people with divine purpose procs that all transfers to your beacon target lol so ill have to try it out

as for the putting shield with aoe healing spells i could be wrong but i think that only works with direct healing spells so wouldnt it only put it on maybe the initial person u cast it on? the aoe healing ouside of that wouldnt put a shield up atleast i think thats how it works?

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