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DKP System Rules


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I am done talking about this, like Snugg said, we are working with a new system and it isn't perfect, we appreciate feedback and we make changes all the time in regards to what will work best for everyone. We make mistakes sometimes, it's part of being human. We have changed the rules, they will start next week, lets move on from this incident and keep pushing ourselves to kill more bosses ^^

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Well see, I agree with that. People make mistakes. Our officers do anything they can do improve the overall raid quality. We have some very intelligent and good people in the guild (includes every single person posting in these forums).

Whenever I have a problem with something, I do voice my opinion. When I feel like I am hitting dead ends or like talking to brick walls, I get a little mad. I, however, do not go on a tirade and punch everything and everyone around me (verbally, physically or any other -ly). I try to reason and lay out my arguments. If I then still feel like I am being ignored or the situation is not dealt with as it should be in my opinion - I usually try to reason a few more times until I just fold and leave it be. If that very last option would happen more often than not, I would surely be looking for another guild. This is not the case here. You guys DO listen to arguments and for the most part DO help out and make things right. I am trying to do my part in this guild and also help out where I can. For me personally, that just goes far beyond doing dailies together and queueing dungeons for gear or crafting certain items for raiders with my mats. I am VERY keen on raid performance and every little detail that can improve that performance. May it be gear issues, enchants, reforges, gems, strategy, personal raid preparation, class research, raid awareness... you name it. I get annoyed when people screw up the simplest things - and I definitely get mad when people are treated differently (which I believe is what happened here). I stand by my point that Lamps and me got overcharged last night and we should get the DKP back (however much it was). If it does not happen though, then whatever - I don't really care anymore. It is how it is I suppose. At least I had to try to make it right. I am sure you will understand that. Snugg was the first poster who admit that mistakes by the officers happened last night. That really is most of what I was trying to get to. He did not take the default position of "opposing the guy who voices a negative opinion about us" like you Bash (no offense) often do.

Even though I do not like the new system (less than the old one) you will put in place, at least you guys took the time and tried to come up with something different. I applaud you guys for doing that and trying to make things better for everyone.

Ok, this was a little bit across the board. I truly believe that we all pretty much want the same things. Some of us just have different approaches to accomplish these.

Edited by Sazda
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Eh, our officers aren't the best communicators. It's one of my strengths so people tend to gravitate towards talking to me about stuff or seeing me as a more visible leader, but trust me when I say that the officers care about the guild as much as I do (Or in many cases, even more) and work as hard as I do (Again in many cases, even harder). We all want what is best for the guild.

Despite any verbal clashes that happen, we love having you around Sazda. I don't know if it's your personality or just your german culture, but you seem to never be afraid to say what's on your mind and never BS us. We appreciate you being forthcoming with us. Heck, the officers have disagreements over stuff all the time too. We're kind of like a big happy family that fights occasionally. If we DON'T iron out these disagreements, one party will just be mega super pissed all the time and eventually either explode on his fellow guildies or leave.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we truly do appreciate the feedback. We're not perfect and sometimes we don't realize we made mistakes until someone calls us out on them.

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Hey, while talking with you yesterday Sazda, I admitted we officers are human and make mistakes. Well, I guess Snugg was the first to post that. Sazda, thanks for acknowledging our effort to listen and adapt. I also appreciate the help you give to other guildies.

I just want to point out that every time the phrase "bottom line" was used in this thread, it got resulted in an additional comment. So, I will be careful not to end with that phrase.

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Most of the time, my approach is very combative, it's my way of dealing with things because being in the military for the 6 years I was in, I got used to having to be foreceful and hard-headed to make sure things got done. Dealing with a bunch of Alpha males all day in the Corps taught me that. So while I have to get used to your style, other people must get used to mine as well. Trust me when I say, there have been more arguments within the officer ranks then you guys realize, me and gump have been at eachother's throats more times then I can count because both of us are very stubborn and combatitive in our approach. I am well aware of my style and all I can say is:


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If other people in the raid have a problem with it, they need to address it, because from our perspective, it's just you.

Necro did as well - and so did others on vent afterwards (when you guys locked yourself into the captains channel):

http://www.twitch.tv/jcarter123/b/336664185 - forgot that I had the stream still turned on at that time

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I see Sazda's point with the 2 identical items. We've resolved this issue for the future by placing all idenical items in to seperate bid times. If 2 items come up, and the first item only receives only 1 bid, the second item is sharded. Otherwise loot continues as normal treating each peice as it's own.

Last night if the 2 items had been done seperatly say;

Item 1

Sazda 15

Lamp 15

One of them would have gotten it for 16, after a /roll

Item 2

Sazda 10

Lamp (Got Previous Item)

Sazda would have been charged 11

This is assuming no backend deals where only Lamp bids on Item 1 and Sazda only bids on item 2.

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